BIPOC eating disorder treatment, parenting support, fat liberation parenting, eating disorder counseling, ed prevention, EMDR therapy, counseling, BIPOC therapist,

EMDR Therapy for Mothers in Oregon and Washington State

Collaborating with mothers dealing with body dissatisfaction and disordered eating to develop radical self-compassion and an empowering bond with their daughters.

You have tried diets, read health books, followed wellness/fitness advice, and influencers that promise great results.

And yet…

  • You think, “I’ll never be good enough.” and try to shrink away your body and your voice.

  • You are still preoccupied with looking at “problem areas” on your body.

  • Or you mumble, “I feel so fat” and avoid your body completely.

  • You want to get to the right number on the scale, or size on those jeans you’ve been holding on to for years thinking that will change everything.

  • You say things like, “Well, I deserve X food because I’ve been ‘good’ all day/all week” to justify why you’re eating “bad/unhealthy” food.

  • Or you say “I shouldn’t be stuffing my face” while eating something deliciously sweet or another food you’ve stashed away to indulge in secrecy.

  • Or maybe you think, “I’ll start X diet on Monday,” “It’s my cheat day!” “I’ll walk/run it off tomorrow.” and still, feel guilty while you eat foods that are banned by the new diet you know will work, “If I only have more self-control this time.”

  • You remind yourself, “This is a lifestyle change.” or “Wellness is important to me.” to justify trying another strict diet and/or exercise plan that gives you a temporary sense of control, but really takes you away from the relationships you truly want to nurture with yourself, your daughter/children, family, friends, creativity, spirituality, etc.

    Now your little one is school-aged (5 - 12) and…

  • You are concerned about how much or how little your daughter is eating.

  • She is reflecting your unintentional modeling of worries and fears around food.

  • She observes how much or how little you are eating.

  • She has learned from overhearing conversations between you and grandma, auntie, and other women, (implicitly or explicitly) how being thin is important.  

  • She labels foods as good or bad and believes that diets can control body size and weight.

  • She has consumed the same media you consume and takes it in as fact learning all the stereotypes for “overweight” people.

This doesn’t have to be true for her, or for you, any longer.

Latina eating disorder therapist, counseling for mothers, parenting skills, intuitive eating, body liberation, latinX, EMDR therapy, counseling, body dissatisfaction, depression,
BIPOC eating disorder therapist, fat liberation counselor, self-compassion, emdr therapist, anxiety and depression counselor

So, Let’s Connect. I’m Marsha!

I’m passionate about supporting mothers like you to feel at home in your body. I encourage you to move toward the version of yourself that is life-giving which will overflow to the next generation. You will reconnect to your spirit/internal wisdom that knows you are worthy of experiencing joy and connection just as you are, all while enhancing your ability to parent in an age of extreme diet CULTure. I hope that we all can reclaim positive embodiment and help our young daughters retain as much of it as possible.

support, BIPOC, latina, therapy, counseling, mother support, EMDR, overeating, diet, weight loss difficulty

"Creator has not given us a timid spirit, but one of power, love, and clear thinking." - 2 Timothy 7:8

"Creator has not given us a timid spirit, but one of power, love, and clear thinking." - 2 Timothy 7:8

get help with parenting, parenting with an eating disorder, anti-diet help, body love, body trust, intuitive eating parenting, EMDR therapy, couseling

Let’s Connect!