Crisis and Emergency Resources

Your Spirit Heals You Psychotherapy, LLC does not offer 24-hour emergency or crisis response and stabilization. For Emergencies Dial 911

The following are resources provided in case of a non-emergency crisis.

hopeless, sad, painful, help, hope, worry


Oregon State

-  Washington County Crisis Line:


-  Portland Women’s Crisis Line:


-  Multnomah County: 503-988-4888

      or 1-800-716-9769

-  Clackamas County: 503-655-8585

-  Yamhill County Mental Health Crisis Line:


-  Clark County: 360-696-9560 or


Washington State

-  King County: 206-461-3222 or


-Recovery Help Line (24-hour help for substance abuse, problem gambling & mental health): 1-866-789-1511

self-harm, cutting, hopeless, cope, coping skills

National Crisis Lifelines:

-  The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988

-   National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

-  Text SOS to 741741

- Text Steve to 741741 to connect with a BIPOC-identified crisis counselor.

-  National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

-  LGBTQ+: Text Start to 678678

-   LGBTQ National Hotline: 888-843-4564

- Call Black Line: 1 (800) 604-5841

Current clients:

Please, let Marsha know you are having thoughts or urges to use unhelpful means to manage your emotions so she can work with you to create a plan to keep you safe during those moments.


The fact that you are here looking through these numbers and making an effort to reach out, shows that your spirit/inherent wisdom wants to communicate with these hurt and lonely parts and believes you have the ability to get through these challenging moments.

*Additional numbers are periodically updated/added.